"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed;
if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." (Mark Twain)

Sadly, Mark twain's quip is possibly more relevant today than it was in his day. Irrational arguments have become
commonplace, not only in alternative, but also in mainstream media. More egregiously, unsound arguments are often used in
opinion articles disguised as news items.
This is especially true of the overwhelmingly strident commentaries and
"news" reports about the Arab-Israel conflict. On both the left and right, extremism has become the vogue and rational discussion
is too often replaced by the loud and the sensational.
In countering bias and misinformation on this site, special
care is taken to maintain credibility by checking the veracity of all data presented as fact and by adhering to rational,
civil discourse and intellectual honesty. Efforts are made to acknowledge and suppress known biases and to follow the facts
wherever they lead.