Letters to the editor, June 13, 2006 From Maurice Ostroff
Sir, -
Our countermeasures against rockets fired from Gaza would be better understood internationally if the Foreign Ministry
were to flood the UN Security Council with formal protests every time a hostile rocket is fired at Israel, whether or
not it causes damage. After all, the Palestinians file such protests regularly, accompanied by effective publicity.
is no difference in intent between a rocket which falls harmlessly and another which, God forbid, causes fatalities. Yet
our spokespeople and media seem to treat the hundreds of rockets fired at us as commonplace events, issuing standard
stale statements about protecting our citizens. In the circumstances it is unsurprising that foreign media confuse cause
and effect, giving more prominence to our counterattacks than to the rockets that provoke them ("Gissin says Israeli media
playing into Palestinian hands," June 12).